Hi @DTS Engineer
I noticed there is few words mentioned 24MP capture things in the AVCapturePhotoOutput definition header file.
I linked the image below. Check it out.
But I tried a lot of things, still can’t got this work. Is this something new this year?
Finally fixed in Xcode beta 6. Good work.
Same issue. The only solution is not to use iOS simulators, instead using macOS target to run it as a macOS app. (A solution for SwiftUI app) Only in this way, it will not crash.
This issue happens after WWDC 22 and many of you are using previous version of macOS, macOS Monterey, so I guess it's not a bug of the macOS but a bug of Xcode 13.
After a long time researching every aspect of the code. I found that the problem is try eventStore.save(courseEvent, span: .futureEvents).
Alternatively, I use try eventStore.save(..., span: ..., commit: false) and eventStore.commit() to solve the problem.
I think this is caused by the data races because I'm using swift concurrency. While one event is saving, another one calls save method to save again, leading to data conflicts (just my guess.)
To solve this, luckily, we can commit a batch of events later using eventStore.commit() to avoid data conflicts. The result is what I expected !!🥳
And after that optimization, the performance of this function is up to 25% faster (exactly 136ms faster). (haha. Perfect.)
Final Code (in Swift 5.7):
func export_test() {
Task.detached {
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for i in 0...15 {
group.addTask {
print("Task \(i): Start")
let courseEvent = EKEvent(eventStore: eventStore)
courseEvent.title = "TEST"
courseEvent.location = "TEST LOC"
courseEvent.startDate = .now
courseEvent.endDate = .now.addingTimeInterval(3600)
courseEvent.calendar = eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewEvents
courseEvent.addRecurrenceRule(EKRecurrenceRule(recurrenceWith: .daily, interval: 1, end: nil))
try eventStore.save(courseEvent, span: .futureEvents, commit: false)
This button means stop listening to your voice.
I'm sorry for consuming network resources. I have FIXED this issue!
This can compile:
WindowGroup {
ContentView() // <-- If we only have one line of code, it works.
.backgroundTask(.appRefresh("task")) {
But this can't😒😒😒
WindowGroup {
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, persistenceController.container.viewContext) // <-- We have modifier(s) here, it fails.
.backgroundTask(.appRefresh("task")) {
Please fix this issue!!!! HELP!!!
Is yours the same?? @javiermares
Beta 4 is out. I have tried that again, but unfortunately it fails again.
I checked the docs, .backgroundTask support macOS 13.0+ Beta.
And I also have a question about how to back support iOS 15.0 while using this modifier, because I cannot use if-condition to switch between different WindowsGroups inside the Scene(I got a compile error)
Resolved in Beta 4!!
Feedback ID: FB10634593
I have find some changes when pushing a navigationLink.
In I understanding, browsing role let you know the page you came from, so you will get a great experience across different pages just like a browser.
The Editor rule let you focus on a single view so that it will not show you where you came from when you're in a new view. It would just show a "back"(<) symbol.
Go to -> Target -> Build Settings and search for iOS Deployment Target, and switch it to iOS 15.
Now, it works!
Check out my screen recording. It's not random.
Please remove all the space below.
https:// www .notion.so/ ca0cdd1ec01241d68373f423685bf680#28b235db8d9840098b4311c505a6a6de