Using .builtInWideAngleCamera with autoDeferredPhotoDelivery enabled. Still can not access (5712, 4284)
Exactly. It has been fixed in iOS 17. Sadly, if you really want to use it, you need to write a custom one.
Sorry, I forgot to reply you. The answer below is correct, which you need to update your view within an animation block. But in your case, just add a transaction and set transaction.animation. Maybe it’ll work.
I'm sorry but I have no idea how to implement kCMSampleBufferAttachmentKey_EmptyMedia. Is there any documentation to be referenced?
I will try it later!
Thanks for reply. I have 3 inputs in my project. One for video, one for screen audio, and another for mic audio. The other two inputs can always append buffers while only video input sometimes will be blocked at isReadyForMoreMediaData.
Can this be able to run properly on the first public version(iOS 16.0, watchOS 9)?
I have done this, but in my test, I found that shortly after toggling Capture Audio and update the stream, the AVAssetWriter will give me an error getSubtractiveDecodeDuration signalled err=-16364 (kMediaSampleTimingGeneratorError_InvalidTimeStamp) (Decode timestamp is earlier than previous sample's decode timestamp.). This will lead to my output video file unplayable. I have no idea how to fix this.
But this is just a temporary solution. I'm wondering why Apple didn't fix it until now... :(
But I don't want to write like this, it's too wired, although the problem will be fixed. But now, this is the only solution. SO SAD :(
I totally agree with you. Your assumption is correct.
In order to pack the modified view into one single, unmodified view. My solution is AnyView(ContentView().anyModifiers...). It works for me. @javiermares
It's not a problem cause by modifier's order. In fact, If I only have one line of code inside WindowGroup, it can compile successfully.
Failed too :(