Hi,We published an update to an existing app and it went through the review process and status changed to ready for sale, so it was then available for download in the store. The Version was 3.0 and the build was 2.0.26.The development team realised there was an issue with the build and once they fixed the issue, they incremented the build to 2.0.27 and left the version at 3.0We received the following errors when we tried to upload the new build."Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '3.0' is closed for new build submissions""This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [3.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [3.0]"I tried to check Apple documentation and this is a good resourcehttps:/ However it does not clarify if it is possible to increment only the build and use the same version number as the version which is currently "Ready for Sale" in the store. Or is it a requirement to increment the version number in this scenario.Can this be clarified please?Thanks,Linda