




The status of version x.x.x has changed to Invalid Binary
We have developed a software called xxxxxxxxxx, using the "react-native-star-io10" library (version 1.3.0) to communicate with Star Micronic printers. In older versions, we utilized this library solely for local network printer communication. In an unreleased test version, we attempted to add Bluetooth printer connectivity to the project. However, due to prolonged validation and approval processes by Star Micronic, we opted to remove this feature from the current version of the project. Currently, we are facing a major issue: when we remove the Bluetooth permission keys from the Info.plist file and archive the project, upon upload, we encounter the error "The status of version x.x.x has changed to Invalid Binary." However, when we add the Bluetooth permission keys back to the application, archive the file, and upload it, the software ultimately gets rejected during the In Review phase. We are not utilizing Bluetooth in this version of the software and wish to deliver this version to our users. We plan to add the Bluetooth feature in a future release. Please advise on how we can resolve this issue or if there are specific changes needed in our project asap. Thank you for your attention.
Jun ’24