




App Clip card displays even if the App is installed
A clear description of the problem: The App Clip card will show even if the user already has the app installed on their phone whether the app is foregrounded, backgrounded, or not running states. A step-by-step set of instructions to reproduce the problem (if possible): Install the App on the App Store that has an App Clip associated with it. Proceed to scan a QR code that has the invocation URL of the App Clip embedded in it. The App Clip card will pop up onto the screen with the image, title, subtitle, and the "View" button. The user taps "View" on the App Clip Card. It will open the app. What results you expected? I expected in step 3 that the App Clip card will not show but instead the App itself will directly open. What results you actually saw? The user will need to perform step 4 in order to open the app. I reported the above via the Feedback Assistant for developers to report bugs to Apple. But I wanted to see if anyone else has experience this issue and gotten any feedback from Apple? It has a negative impact on user experience requiring him / her to tap the button on the App Clip card regardless of whether the app is installed on the user's device. From what I saw, there was only one other person who reported this but via an NFC tag with no follow up:
Jun ’21