




Cannot get WatchKit app to recognize fall detection entitlement.
I have a standalone WatchKit app Applied for and approved for fall detection entitlement Fall detection capability shows up in Developer account and is selected for the App ID When app requests authorization for fall detection, the error "Fall Detection entitlement is required for this API" is emitted and app crashes. I have built a minimal "Hello World" app to reduce the problem to its bare minimum and am able to reproduce it. I have downloaded the mobile provisioning file and done manual signing. When I do this, I get the build warning: Provisioning profile "<AppName> App" for "<AppName>" contains entitlements that aren't in the entitlements file: To use these entitlements, add them to your entitlements file. Otherwise, remove unused entitlements from your provisioning profile. I have regenerated the AppID's, rebooted Xcode, deleted derived data, etc. After spending many many hours on this, I decided to post this in hopes someone has an answer.
Aug ’22
iOS Printing Duplex without PrintInteractionController
I want the user to be able to always print the document double-sided without displaying the UIPrintInteractionController. (Quick Print) I setup the printerInfo as follows and then have them select the printer. let printerInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary: nil) printerInfo.outputType = .general printerInfo.orientation = .portrait printerInfo.duplex = .longEdge The problems is that it does not always print "duplex" or double-sided if another app has changed the double sided print setting via the UIPrintInteractionController -OR- if a print error occurs, even though I specify duplex int he printerInfo. Is this a bug or a feature? Can I create my own "Printer" locally that only my app uses by duplicating the UIPrinter?
May ’21