When using ExtensionKit, is it expected that an app would be able to open concurrent XPC connections to both an extension process (via AppExtensionProcess.makeXPCConnection) and that extension's scenes (via EXHostViewController.makeXPCConnection)?
I'm finding that if I make a connection to an extension process, communication with the process works fine until I try to make a connection to a scene in that extension ... at which point the extension receives SIGKILL and an OSLaunchdErrorDomain code 137 "Service does not support the specified action" error is logged to the console.
Similarly, if I first make one or more connections to extension scenes, communication with the scenes works fine until I try to make a connection to the extension process ... at which point the same result and error occur.
So it seems that I can either communicate with an extension process or that extension's scenes, but not both. Is this an expected limitation, or should I be able to communicate with an extension process and its scenes at the same time?