




Reply to Xcode cloud build Testflight crashes desymbolication
These are for the TestFlight internal workflow, which has different entitlements than the store build. There is no button on the organiser, so I am manually downloading archives. I don't know how long I need to wait for the indexing, but it doesn't really seem to be symbolicating. I've had the archive on my Mac for 5 days now, and the frames are still not symbolicated. I was able to use ATOS for this one, but man is that time consuming.
Oct ’21
Reply to Xcode 13 Opaque UINavigationBar and Opaque UITabBar rendering issues
Hi Rincewind, et al I'm attempting to adopt the appearance APIs, and for one set of navigation controllers I want to have a completely transparent background, but with a background image with content mode Bottom, and still take advantage of bar button items on left and right. I have a Storyboard (upgraded from iOS5-->6-->7-->9-->12-->13-->14-->15. Deployment target iOS 15 (beta 5).) I really think I'm setting everything correctly, but there's a visual effect view with a white background in the view hierarchy. I first just tried setting appearance with the storyboard settings. Then I tried adding some code. UINavigationBarAppearance *scrollAppearance = [[self.navigationController.navigationBar scrollEdgeAppearance] copy];     [scrollAppearance configureWithTransparentBackground];     [scrollAppearance setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"logoDoohickey"]];     [scrollAppearance setBackgroundImageContentMode:UIViewContentModeBottom];     [scrollAppearance setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];     [scrollAppearance setBackgroundEffect:nil];     [self.navigationController.navigationBar setScrollEdgeAppearance:scrollAppearance]; Is there anyway to convince a navigation bar that it's not near a scroll view (which it isn't). The white view claims to be a visual effects backdrop view. How do I get rid of it or set its alpha to 0? Thanks!! KT
Sep ’21