@Graphics and Games Engineer Yes, it’d be good to have more advanced examples since this is all pretty new. I’d be happy to file a report between today and tomorrow, sure! Also related: I’m trying to figure out how to use existing textures created from Metal with RealityKit. i.e. It would be great to be able to give RealityKit depthstencil textures so I could compose existing Metal textures into the scene. I posted here with my use case: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/732634
Great! @Graphics and Games Engineer Can we expect to see some advanced examples using this in the near-term? I think it’ll be very useful, but without an example, it’s unclear exactly how the code should look.
Oh, that is too bad. (It got my hopes up.) Thanks for confirming.
I also noticed some RealityRenderer CameraOutput-related functionality. Is that also unavailable, or is that not referring to hardware cameras?
@mtoon Metal's currently only allowed in fully immersive mode. Also, I found an example online if you search around. However, I think it's important that Apple include a fully-runnable example, on principle, even if we figure it out ourselves.
@Saijanai Then why do we have e.g. Tobii eye tracking for research and medical rehabilitation purposes? What if you want to make a system that wants to help you look in the right direction? Anything can be evil if in the wrong hands. There's no point in blocking something that'll be hacked anyway, in my opinion. The key is to enable as strict-as-possible permissions systems and detection of intent. Maybe ways to block malicious data transfer/restrictions on network transmission of the data.
@sha921 The app crashes with a console log stating that the XCTest framework could not be found, even if I add it to build phases.
Could you elaborate on how to enable this?
@jroome Thanks, got it. This helps. I do think they’re eventually going have to figure out a way to be more permissive so at least we can use the data for custom renderers in passthrough mode, not for ”evil” things. :)
@Saijanai I suggest filing feature requests with specific use cases. My guess from the outside is that they’re starting from a very conservative featureset to avoid a dangerous future in which we have those future glasses that look like ordinary glasses, but which can surveil environments and so on. I certainly hope that functionality could be opened-up via explicit permissions as on other platforms.
I personally think a happy medium needs to be reached too.
@eskimo I think that in cases in which objc has successfully printed, I’ve called that code from Swift. I wonder why I’m seeing this behavior. Is it possible that something is enabled only in the Swift runtime that enables jumping to line numbers?
@eskimo - @zentrope has a good point. What IS the desired behavior within specifically the Xcode console? I can see arguments for and against showing private variables by default. Maybe you don't want sensitive data like that ever appearing on-screen, but maybe you do want to have those debugging regardless.
Ah the error had some nested hints:
use 'gnu++20' for 'ISO C++ 2020 DIS with GNU extensions' standard
use 'c++2b' for 'Working draft for ISO C++ 2023 DIS' standard
use 'gnu++2b' for 'Working draft for ISO C++ 2023 DIS with GNU extensions' standard
Then you probably should report it since they believe it's resolved according to the patch notes.
I'm intensely curious what the issue was. Did they accidentally put something on the main ui queue?
I never quite figured out how to capture data for something like this. There’s no crash log.