For me, the "not working" effect was caused by a directory path lookup failure in my script.
If you run your script at your target's Build Phases, A relative directory path like this will work:
However in Pre-Actions it fails silently.
Instead, you must use an absolute directory path like this:
if let decodedResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(FDCResponse.self, from: data) {
decodedResponse might be nil if an JSON decoding failure occurs. Try replacing this line with let decodedResponse = try! JSONDecoder().decode(FDCResponse.self, from: data) and see if your app crash. If it crash, then you need to change the code of FDCResponse.
I'm facing similar issue under these conditions:
Running on iOS 15.2 (19C5044b)
App is running in foreground and is actively receiving touch inputs
Background App Refresh was disabled previously, and have been enabled in this OS version
I tried restarting the device minutes ago
The silent push was sent by CloudKit server due to a recent CloudKit data modification on another device
I can receive the push on another device on iOS 14.8, which has its Background App Refresh disabled for all apps
The log I got on iOS 15.2:
Category: scoring[
{name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 50.000, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[pushDisallowed]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
{name: ThunderingHerdPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{timeSinceThunderingHerdTriggerEvent < 300}]}}
], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
This happens to my app too. I'm now using a WebKit view instead, for a more predictable sign in flow.
I found that the issue is related to the compilation time graph view of Xcode 14. After closing all tabs that displaying the time graph in Xcode 14, Xcode 13 stops crashing.
You can also just open Xcode 14, close all file tabs, close all project windows, then reopen Xcode 13.
The warning error log is actually reflecting the actual app behavior. No wonder why sometimes my app window is not opened in frontmost position.
I think the option is now enabled by default. Just open the Camera app, keep swiping from right to left, then you will see a specific mode for shooting spatial photo and video.