@Engineer Good morning! I am sorry for the delay in my response. I am just now seeing your message this morning, as I never got a notification of a response on this post.
I have tested this fix using 17.4, 17.5, 18.0, and 18.1. While every device can now launch the app without crashes (yay! 🎉), unfortunately, as soon as you add an iOS 18 AppIntent using the AssistantIntent to an AppShortcutsBuilder, iOS 17 can no longer launch the iOS 17 compatible AppShortcut.
Additionally, there is a regression in iOS 18.1 where the AssistantIntent shortcut no longer prompts you to enter a search term before launching the app. But on iOS 18, this works just fine.
I have updated the feedback with this same information as well as a video to show the issue.
Hi @wingover,
Thanks for the suggestion! Can you elaborate more on what my AppShortcutsBuilder should look like after I up the target to 17.4?
For Example, the following code crashes on iOS 17.5 with a 17.5 or 17.4 target:
struct SnippetsShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
AppShortcut(intent: CreateAppIntent(), phrases: [
"Create a \(\.$selection) in \(.applicationName) Studio",
"Create a \(\.$selection) in \(.applicationName)",
"Create a \(\.$selection)"
], shortTitle: "Create", systemImageName: "plus")
if #available(iOS 18, *) {
AppShortcut(intent: SearchAppIntent(), phrases: [
"Search \(.applicationName) Studio",
"Search \(.applicationName)"
], shortTitle: "Search", systemImageName: "magnifyingglass")
let shortcutTileColor: ShortcutTileColor = .blue
Here is the crash message:
dyld[23602]: Symbol not found: _$s10AppIntents15AssistantSchemaV06IntentD0VAC0E0AAWP
Referenced from: /Users/jonathan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2E9641A0-00E1-463A-8B24-F488669B1229/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/7E2B4104-BF7F-43A2-9EEA-AD24EC95E096/Snippets Studio.app/Snippets Studio.debug.dylib
Expected in: <88E18E38-24EC-364E-94A1-E7922AD247AF> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21F79/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.5.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/AppIntents.framework/AppIntents
Issue is still occurring in Xcode 15 beta 7 when running on an actual device. Any Ideas on how to fix this? Or is it just a beta bug?
As of iPadOS 15, this issue has still not been resolved by Apple. Good news though! The developer community has made a swift package called SwiftUI-Introspect.. After adding the package to your project (which they say is built to use in Production apps, not just for development purposes), import Introspect in your SwiftUI view and at the end of your sidebar list, add this modifier:
List {
NavigationLink(destination: DemoView()) {
.introspectTableView { inspect in
inspect.backgroundColor = .secondarySystemBackground
Unlike other methods, this method only applies the .secondarySystemBackground to the sidebar and not the Main or Secondary Views!
Same issue here. Really frustrated. Using Xcode and listening to audio caused no issues on my mid-2015 MacBook Pro that I just sold last week. I upgraded to the 16in MacBook Pro and now I cannot watch coding tutorials while using Xcode or listen to music either. And it only happens when you start to build and run an app in the simulator or the canvas in SwiftUI. They really need to fix this.