




Reply to Error message when sending text to WebSocket
Hi,I sure did. Here's my socket setup. Still prints the warning in the console. init(port: UInt16) { self.port = NWEndpoint.Port(rawValue: port)! parameters = NWParameters(tls: nil) parameters.allowLocalEndpointReuse = true parameters.includePeerToPeer = true let wsOptions = NWProtocolWebSocket.Options() wsOptions.autoReplyPing = true parameters.defaultProtocolStack.applicationProtocols.insert(wsOptions, at: 0) listener = try! NWListener(using: parameters, on: self.port) }
May ’20
Reply to Using Alerts in SwiftUI Frameworks
Have you come up with a workaround? I feel like this is a major drawback with SwiftUI and hope to see Apple address it. I don’t understand why we can’t have multiple Alerts in separate views. Apple is encouraging us to use separate views and components, but it becomes a mess when we have to glue them together due to limitations like this one.
Jan ’21
Reply to Safari, WKWebview Crash in iOS 15 Beta2
This new feature completely broke my app - which is a WKWebView with a large canvas. Performance is incredibly slow and renders the app useless. Worked great in iOS 14.. How can we disable this setting in a WKWebView? Why would it be that that canvases performed better on the CPU but Apple dropped that as the default and switched to GPU processing? Wouldn't the switch be to increase performance? Really concerned about the future of my app if we can't disable this 'feature'. Will the setting eventually go away and this will be the default?
Sep ’21
Reply to Metal Performance Shader color issue with yCbCr buffer
@DTS Engineer Thanks for the quick response. I'm not sure what the enhancement request would be other than maybe support for specifying on a MPS shader the pixelFormat so it knows how to handle it. Unfortunately the AVFoundation RGB format makes performance significantly worse - so we want to ideally decode natively. If I want to keep things decoded YUV - would the better performance be to convert to RGB in a shader then do the MPS Scale? Or just create two different MPS filters and use a bi-planar decode format. The bi-planar seems better for performance because I would need to encode back to a ProRes file quickly. Thanks, Joe
Aug ’24