




App sandbox extension revoked on Ventura
Hi everyone, first-time caller, long-ti... wait, no, I just got here. :) I am relatively new to all things Apple, so apologies in advance if it takes me a few goes to properly explain things. We have a framework, which includes an API, an XPC service, etc, and we have a device driver. We also have some sample apps that use the framework, and if they have the app sandbox capability, then we expect them to use the XPC Service instead of accessing our driver directly. This works fine on Monterey and presumably has worked fine on all previous versions of MacOS. Something seems to have changed on Ventura, and we don't understand what. When we build the same app on Ventura, it appears to be in the sandbox (according to the Sandbox column in Activity Monitor), but in the Console there is this line (twice): default <time> <OurAppName> Revoking sandbox extension; key = 0 Which we suspect is linked to the fact that the app then does not use the XPC Service, and instead accesses the driver directly, much to our surprise. Software built on developer's machines is "Automatically managed" and "Signed to Run Locally" in case that matters. Do we need to change our code to support Ventura and onward? Or is it a bizarre bug? Oh, I should say that I'm running the latest version of Ventura (13.6.7 as of writing) but not the latest Xcode (14.2 (14C18)) and CLI tools... can't remember how to find that version... Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202). Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Jeremy
May ’24