




App Store Connect and RevenueCat
Does revenueCat SDk qualify for any exemptions provided in category 5 part 2 of the US export administation regulations? I’m getting asked this in App Store Connect, it also says: You can select Yes for this question if the encryption of your app is: (a) Specially designed for medical end-use (b) Limited to intellectual property and copyright protection (c) Limited to authentication, digital signature, or the decryption of data or files (d) Specially designed and limited for banking use or “money transactions”; or (e) Limited to “fixed” data compression or coding techniques   I'm sure whether I should check this since revenueCat does use encryption. Thank You, Jamie
Oct ’22
Precondition failed
Good day, I get an error “precondition failed” in this struct, what does this mean and how can I solve it? struct Item: Identifiable { // Make sure this ID is unique. var id: String { date } var date: String var interval: String var duration: String var time: String } Thank You
Oct ’22
The request of the index was outside the bounds of the array
Good day, I get an error “The requested index was outside the bounds of the array.” How do I solve it? Here is my code: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View {     @State var first: [String] = ["Hello Jamie!","Hello John!","Hello Justin!"]     @State var dates: [String] = ["21","22","23"]     @State var numberIam: Int = 0     var body: some View {         VStack {           ForEach(first, id: \.self) { item in                 Text(item)                     .onAppear{                         numberIam = numberIam + 1                     }                 Text(dates[numberIam])                  }              }     } } Thank You!
Sep ’22
ForEach and Arrays | 4 Arrays in 1 ForEach loop
Good day, How do I repeat the arrays but in one ForEach loop or is there any other way of repeating the arrays in the order dates then intervals then durations then times, I need repeated blocks of multiple arrays. Here is my code: struct ContentView: View {     @State var dates: [String] = ["21 Jun","22 Jul","12 Aug"]     @State var intervals: [String] = ["8","2","5"]     @State var durations: [String] = ["10m","12m","7m"]     @State var times: [String] = ["45s","65s","12s"]     var body: some View {         VStack {             ForEach(Array(zip(dates, durations)), id: \.0) { item in                  VStack{                 Text(item.0)                     .padding()                 Text(item.1)                         .padding()                 }                            }             ForEach(Array(zip(intervals, times)), id: \.0) { item in                  VStack{                     Text(item.0)                         .padding()                     Text(item.1)                         .padding()                 }             }             .offset(y: -206)         }     } }              Here is the order I need it to be repeated in: Thank You
Sep ’22
How do I remove the background lines of a chart
Hello, how do I remove the background lines of a chart and just show the BarMark? import SwiftUI import Charts struct myView: View { var body: some View {  Chart{   BarMark(x: .value("o", 5), y: .value("m", "Duration: 5m"), width: 7) .foregroundStyle(.orange) BarMark(x: .value("o", 7), y: .value("m", "Intervals: 7"), width: 7) .foregroundStyle(.teal)       } } }
Sep ’22
How do I make this just make the picker visible?
Good day, how do I just make the picker visible and not have the lists section background visible like in the settings app? The code: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View {     @State private var on: Bool = false     var body: some View {         List{             Picker("OK", selection: $on) {                  Text("A")                 Text("B")             }             .pickerStyle(.segmented)         }     } } The Settings app picker: Thank You.
Sep ’22