




In App Purchase
I have an objective C in app purchase listener... I have a swift form and it begins the in app purchase when they click on the button the purchase screen comes up if i am signed in as a tester the only test email we have on our account eveyrthing goes through and the server creates the proper records because the purchase listener SKPaymentTransactionObserver on the APp Delegate gets in formed ... and calls the static swfit methods to complete the process which takes the static USER ID of last logged in user and puts the original transaction id with it and sends both to our server so it can link the transaction id to the user id . Once the app loads it queries our site which uses the API for Apple payments to query the status of the original transaction id for that user. if it is valid it lets them login. Now for some reason the server never receives any information if i login on my icloud ... phone account as anyone but the testing email holder. If i use my own account to test the transaction my own personal email and apple id i get no feedback what soever from the SKPaymentTransactionObserver so i never get the original transaction id to send it to the server. BUt if i sign in as a tester in sandbox mode then everything works as expected. I send it to the test team and they too say they never get the subscription to be recognized this is a single reoccurring subscription they purchase recurrs every 3 minutes. Now why when i login as the test email account everything works every time butwhen the app store test team tries it nothing gets to the server any more Are they supposed to login on their phones to the Same Test account as i did meaning erase all their info and put the test email account in their phone just to get this to work and why do no other emails work for the purchase when in sandbox mode am i supposed to take it out of sandbox mode in the submission ???? why is in app purchasing working every time in my sand box mode test account when it is installed on the phone but no where else ?