
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hello there,I am currently working on a todo list. The user can add single items to a tableview by typing something into a text view in a diffrent view controller. This input will be converted to a core data item and is displayed on the main page, which is a table view controller. I would like to improve the usability by creating the opportunity, to add multiple items at once. The user should be able to type in multiple items into a single textbox. But when they where added, they will be seperated in multple rows in the tableview. My question is, if that is programmatically possible, if so, how would this be implemented?
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Evening ladies and gentleman, I am currently getting used to Swift and wanted to start with a little todo app. So far I can add an item and safe it persistently in a context. When an item has been added, it will be shown in a tableview. Now, I want to use a check swipe to strikethrough items, which have been added and safe this information in my context. Deleting using a swipe works perfectly fine.Has anybody an idea how realize this? I tried to solve it by myself, but couldnt get it done. It suppose to look like this:
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