




Archive: Distribute Content instead of Distribute App
Hello, I work with XCode 12.5 and Swift 5. I am a member of a development Team. I finished my first App and I want to start with Beta Testing using Testflight. I already tested the app on my mobile device and everything works fine. Furthermore I followed every step of this article: This article describes the steps to distribute my App for Beta Testing: On of the first steps is creating an archive of my app. When I do this I don't get the option "Distribute App". I only get the option "Distribute Content". The following distribution methods doesn't contain the options i need. I already tried the solutions mentioned here: In this article it seems like the solution is to change the "skip install" value. I have the "Skip Install" once in the "Projects" and "Targets" section. I already tried each combination of ticking yes and no, but the result stays the same. I also tried it with different provisioning profiles. Once with the Type "Development" and once with the type "Distribution". This is the first app that i wrote and published through the App Store. It could be that i am missing out something obvious? I am glad for everyone who can help me! Thanks in advance Jakob
Aug ’21
Zip Files from directory without creating a directory inside zip directory
I'm working with Swift 5.0 and I want to zip 3 files without installing additional dependencies. Currently I'm able to zip 3 Files, which all are in the same directory, called "root". But if I open the created and exported zip-file (named:, than I get the folder (root) in which the 3 files were saved. I don't want this "root" folder inside my I want to see my data directly inside the Below is the code. let fm = FileManager.default let baseDirectoryUrl = fm.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent("root", isDirectory: true) if !fm.fileExists(atPath: baseDirectoryUrl.relativePath) {   try! fm.createDirectory(     at: baseDirectoryUrl,     withIntermediateDirectories: true,     attributes: nil   ) } // path of data let data1_path = baseDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("data1.vec3") let data2_path = baseDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("data2.vec3") let data3_path = baseDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("data3.json") // write wData1 to data1_path try! wData1.write(to: data1_path) // write wData2 to data2_path try! wData2.write(to: data2_path) // write wData3 to data3_path try! wData3.write(to: data3_path) // this will hold the URL of the zip file var archiveUrl: URL? // if we encounter an error, store it here var error: NSError? let coordinator = NSFileCoordinator() // zip up the root directory // this method is synchronous and the block will be executed before it returns // if the method fails, the block will not be executed though // if you expect the archiving process to take long, execute it on another queue coordinator.coordinate(readingItemAt: baseDirectoryUrl, options: [.forUploading], error: &error) { (zipUrl) in   // zipUrl points to the zip file created by the coordinator   // zipUrl is valid only until the end of this block, so we move the file to a temporary folder   let tmpUrl = try! fm.url(     for: .itemReplacementDirectory,     in: .userDomainMask,     appropriateFor: zipUrl,     create: true   ).appendingPathComponent("", isDirectory: false)   try! fm.copyItem(at: zipUrl, to: tmpUrl)   // store the URL so we can use it outside the block   archiveUrl = tmpUrl } if let archiveUrl = archiveUrl {   // bring up the share sheet so we can send the archive with AirDrop for example   let avc = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [archiveUrl], applicationActivities: nil)   avc.popoverPresentationController?.barButtonItem = navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem   present(avc, animated: true) } else {   print(error) } I'm glad for everybody who can help
Aug ’21