




Comment on Live Activity doesn't open watchOS app
It's been confirmed to be a bug, mentioned in the release notes for the latest beta Tapping Live Activity does not launch watch apps that use the WKSupportsLiveActivityLaunchAttributesTypes Info.plist key. Instead, a Live Activity tap displays the full-screen view with an “Open on iPhone” option. (132832577) (FB14568721)
Aug ’24
Comment on TabView with TabSection crashing on iPad
I've read through the code carefully and added logs of meta data that might explain the exception. Haven't found a solution yet. A sysdiagnose might make things easier, but we have no way to communicate with specific users. My current best guess is that the NSManagedObject property "id" becomes nil for two objects at the same time. When "id" is nil, I return an empty string. So if this occurs at the same time for two objects, we have duplicate objects.
Oct ’24