




Reply to Text in HTML Buttons is blue on iOS 15
I was also having this issue, and tried to use Safari developer tool to see website inspector element. Found <button> color style use “-apple-system-blue”, if there were only color on <body> or not set anything. So I set simple style in common CSS file, it could solve this problem: button { color: #000; } BTW, I find someone who use all elements selector “*” to solve it. html { * { color: #000000; } } The selector range is too large, and specificity is too high. I think it is not good way for my project. Reference article: (Korean language)iOS-15%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-button-text-color%EA%B0%80-blue%EB%A1%9C-%EB%B0%94%EB%80%8C%EB%8A%94-%EB%AC%B8%EC%A0%9C * I can't use anchor link, because this forum is not permitted. Use online decode tool and google it. And in general, this problem is really tricky. If developers didn’t set button color on (old) project. It will show “apple system blue” on iOS 15.
Dec ’21