




Developer Account Experience
Hi everyone, I want to share my experience setting up an organization developer account with Apple. I’ve heard many horror stories about how tough it can be, but I didn’t think I’d experience it myself until now. I started the process to create an organization developer account 4 months ago so I could publish my game on the App Store. Completing a game is already hard enough, but my account has been stuck in the "pending" state for all these months. I’ve sent over 20 emails through their contact page and even scheduled calls with their support team, but I’ve been ignored. All I get are automated responses. I tried starting fresh by abandoning the registration and using another email to create a new account. This time, Apple responded but only to cancel the new registration, saying I already have one in progress. I replied, asking why my original registration is still pending, and once again, I was ignored. At this point, I’m exhausted. If anyone sees this and can help, I’d really appreciate it. And if someone from Apple comes across this, please respond it would mean a lot. Thanks, and good luck to anyone going through something similar.
Dec ’24