Same error Assert : in line 204 happened to me on PhotogrammetrySession. Did you have fixed it?
Can I achieve this with ..
currentCamera = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInLiDARDepthCamera,
for: .depthData,
position: .back) ?
Thanks for your answer. But what I want is to use builtInLiDARDepthCamera.
And though not sure what I've missing, but when I give PhotogrammetrySample Color CVPixelBuffer and correct depth CVPixelBuffer(tried both DisparityFloat32 And DepthFloat32), not exact real scale model shows up.
So, I guessed that's because metadata is missing.
With HEIC Image took from ObjectCapturession has metadata including intrinsic parameter, So I think that's the reason why my App doesn't return real scale.
Thanks for reply, but the thing is that when scale is right, it has error with in 5mm, in my experiments.
I when doesn't scale right, too much difference, like few centimeters.
I want to raise recall rate, and couldn't figure out what affects them.