




Ping without CFSockets
All of our uses of CFSockets have started causing crashes in iOS 16. They seem to be deprecated so we are trying to transition over to using the Network framework and NWConnection to try to fix the crashes. One of our uses of them is to ping a device on the local network to make sure it is there and online and provide a heartbeat status in logs as well as put the application into a disabled state if it is not available as it is critical to the functionality of the app. I know it is discouraged to disable any functionality based on the reachability of a resource but this is in an enterprise environment where the reachability of this device is mission critical. I've seen other people ask about the ability to ping with the Network framework and the answers I've found have said that this is not possible and pointed people to the SimplePing sample code but it turns out our existing ping code is already using this technique and it is crashing just like our other CFSocket usages, inside CFSocketInvalidate with the error BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBPLATFORM: Trying to recursively lock an os_unfair_lock. Is there any updated way to perform a ping without using the CFSocket APIs that now seem to be broken/unsupported on iOS 16?
Feb ’23
CarPlay automatic signing
The documentation for CarPlay ( tells you to disable automatic signing in the section titled "Import the CarPlay Provisioning Profile": Click All in the scope bar, and then deselect “Automatically manage signing”. There have also been other posts in the past about the inability to use automatic signing with CarPlay: However in a recent post of mine ( I was instructed how to set it up so that I could use automatic signing for the new user-assigned-device-name entitlement and it worked so I thought "Can I do the same thing for CarPlay?" and it seems to be working so far. Is automatic signing with CarPlay now possible? We have been able to use automatic signing to archive successfully and run to real devices and verify that CarPlay is working. I'm crossing my fingers that we'll be able to submit and get the build approved and never have to touch manual signing again. Hopefully it works and the documentation is just out of date.
Oct ’22
user-assigned-device-name entitlement possible with automatically managed signing?
Is there a way to get the new entitlement to work with automatically managed signing, or is it required to change to manual signing to use this entitlement? Someone else had the same problem as me in this reply on another post: but it was suggested they start a new thread but I don't think they started such a thread so I am. I was hoping, perhaps naively, that after getting approval for the entitlement and adding it to our entitlements file that it would "just work" but i'm getting the error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: [redacted bundle id]" doesn't include the entitlement. Really hoping to avoid having to manually manage signing or at least know for sure that it is unavoidable before I move to it.
Oct ’22
SwiftUI with debugQuickLookObject?
A great while ago I learned about the debugQuickLookObject function and my imagination went wild with convenient uses for it while debugging. Recently I remembered it vaguely and tried to find documentation for it and found it quite difficult to locate. I did find this old documentation: and this: but nothing showing usages of it in Swift. The most recent example I could find was a "hackingwithswift" post with a single usage of it to display a string. I was really hoping that I could get a SwiftUI view to show up using it since it is supposed to be able to display UIViews but I couldn't even get a UIView to show up. Long story short it would be AWESOME to be able to use this to show SwiftUI views while debugging. With how easy it is to create SwiftUI views to display data/visuals it would be really cool to make various debug-oriented views for showing in the debug quick look. Imagine if these views were interactive too! You could almost extend the variables view of the debugger to show whatever you wanted.
Jun ’20