




Reply to ARAnchor subclass causing issues when worldmap saved/restored
Hello! maybe I come late to this thread but I have a problem and I couldn't find a solution yet. I have this ARAnchor subclass and I think it has all it needs to be saved (I splitted SIMD3 in three FLoat variables because I thought it would give me less problems to save). import ARKit import RealityKit class CustomARAnchor: ARAnchor {       var modelScalex: Float   var modelScaley: Float   var modelScalez: Float       init(name: String, transform: float4x4, modelScale: SIMD3<Float>) {     self.modelScalex = modelScale.x     self.modelScaley = modelScale.y     self.modelScalez = modelScale.z     super.init(name: name, transform: transform)   }   required init(anchor: ARAnchor) {     let other = anchor as! CustomARAnchor     self.modelScalex = other.modelScalex     self.modelScaley = other.modelScaley     self.modelScalez = other.modelScalez     super.init(anchor: other)   }   override class var supportsSecureCoding: Bool {     return true   }   required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {     if let modelScalex = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "modelScalex") as? Float, let modelScaley = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "modelScaley") as? Float, let modelScalez = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "modelScalez") as? Float {       self.modelScalex = modelScalex       self.modelScaley = modelScaley       self.modelScalez = modelScalez     } else {       return nil     }     super.init(coder: aDecoder)   }   override func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {     super.encode(with: aCoder)     aCoder.encode(self.modelScalex, forKey: "modelScalex")     aCoder.encode(self.modelScaley, forKey: "modelScaley")     aCoder.encode(self.modelScalez, forKey: "modelScalez")   }     } In fact it seems it's correctly saved as this code inside the getWorldMap function prints me the names of my custom anchors self.arView.session.getCurrentWorldMap { worldMap, _ in       guard let map = worldMap else {         print("Can't get current world map")         return       }               for anchor in map.anchors {         if let anchor = anchor as? CustomARAnchor{           if let name ={             print("custom anchor " + name + " in map")           }         }       }               do {         let data = try NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: map, requiringSecureCoding: true)         try data.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: self.worldMapFilePath), options: [.atomic])       } catch {         fatalError("Can't save map: \(error.localizedDescription)")       }     } I save the world map in a file and then load it in another application. The Problem is that when i load the map the custom anchors won't be recognized or even loaded because the func session(_, didAdd anchors) adds just one anchor (i guess its a plane recognized) and not my custom anchors. func session(_ session: ARSession, didAdd anchors: [ARAnchor]) {     print("did add anchor: \(anchors.count) anchors in total")             for anchor in anchors {               if let name = {         print("DEBUG: anchor" + name)       }               if let _ = anchor as? CustomARAnchor {         print("DEBUG: found custom anchor")       }       addAnchorEntityToScene(anchor: anchor)     }   } All the code works fine if i use normal ARAnchors and when I use CustomARAnchors it works fluently (no crashes or errors) but it stops doing what it is supposed to do. If anybody can have an idea of where the problem is I would be very grateful. Thank in advance even for reading this!
Sep ’21