It turns out you have to first download the image to a UIImage or other supported types, and pass the view to the ImageRenderer
Same problem here, for me it's failing with GitHub packages (to be specific "Alamofire", "****" and "SwiftyJSON"). I got the same error message like you and I can't find a way to correct it. The package.resolved file is up to date on remote branch so I don't know how should I configure it correctly.
I think you could do a quick search on Google, there are a large number of datasets available. (Like this one:
WKExtendedRuntime sessions are intended for specific use cases—Self Care, Mindfulness, Physical Therapy, and Smart Alarms. Each use case has a time limit, and only Physical Therapy and Smart Alarms are background running. The use case you have in mind is not currently supported. Please file Feedback if you have a use case you think should be supported by this API.