I had the same problem. Very strange that there is no obvious and easy way to handle this sort of interaction.
I wasted a lot of time here because it seems like the 2D location field of the drag gesture is still affected by the camera orientation in 3D space. I ended up using the location3D field, removing view rotation (e.g. transform to local space), calculating the horizontal offset, and reapplying the view rotation:
.gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.0).targetedToAnyEntity().onChanged {e in
if refs.entityDragStartPos == nil {
refs.entityDragStartPos = e.entity.position
// Get the 3D drag delta
let delta = simd_float3(e.gestureValue.location3D.vector) - simd_float3(e.gestureValue.startLocation3D.vector)
// Get the look rotation
let direction = e.inputDevicePose3D!.rotation.quaternion.act(simd_double3(0, 0, 1))
let lookRot = simd_quatf(from: SIMD3<Float>(0, 0, 1), to: simd_normalize(simd_float3(Float(direction.x), 0, Float(direction.z))))
// Get the 3D drag delta in local space (e.g. independent of view direction)
// by rotating using inverse look rotation
let drag = lookRot.inverse.act(delta)
// Calculate offset, y drag is applied to z axis to only get horizontal.
// Rotate back into view space and calcualte new entity position
let offset = lookRot.act(simd_float3(drag.x, 0, -(drag.y - drag.z))) * 0.001
let pos = refs.entityDragStartPos! + offset
e.entity.setPosition(pos, relativeTo: nil)
}.onEnded { e in
refs.entityDragStartPos = nil