




Reply to WKWebview evaluateJavascript
I am facing the same issue, I was using a similar approach (using fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest) to get the blob. It works in iOS 12 and 13 but is broken in iOS 14. It appears that a change in iOS 14 has broken the ability to download blob resources when using WKWebView. Here is a link to the approach that uses JS fetch: Is there a way to get a blob resource when using WKWebView in iOS 14? Does anyone have a fix for this?
Dec ’20
Reply to How to download a PDF via WKWebView but open it in QuickLookPreview?
This approach was working for me in iOS 12 and 13. It is broken and does not work in iOS 14. In iOS 14 I see the following error in the logs: error: fetch threw, error: TypeError: The operation couldn’t be completed. (WebKitBlobResource error 1.), url: blob:https:yourbloblink Has anyone else encountered this? Does anyone have working code or a solution for iOS 14? I am unable to download and display PDF blobs in iOS 14 via WKWebView.
Dec ’20