The hashtags come from my HashtagFilter model and are attached there as a relationship.
final class HashtagFilter: Identifiable, Hashable, NamedEntity {
@Relationship(inverse: \Hashtag.hashtagFilter)
var tags: [Hashtag]
var displayName: String
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \HashtagFilter.parentItem)
var children: [HashtagFilter]?
var parentItem: HashtagFilter?
var isEditing: Bool = false
init(displayName: String) {
self.tags = []
self.children = []
self.displayName = displayName
The filterHashtags come from HashtagFilter.tags. If I check for equality in my code, it works. It just doesn't work in the Predicate. However, due to the amount of data, I would like to perform this filtering in the Predicate