I have the same question! The sample code shows an outputs property on session but only output exists in Xcode, which is for the Combine publisher.
Thank you so much for your quick reply! Storing the session as a class property fixed it.
I can confirm from experience and my lab appointment that it is possible to scan interior rooms! I received best results when I stayed in one place while taking photos.
I was able to fix this by creating a @Bindable in the view body:
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(ListData.self) var listData
var body: some View {
// Add this line
@Bindable var listData = listData
I'm having the same issue with NavigationSplitView in Beta 7. I made a post here with a very basic reproducible sample: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/736237.
Thank you for the reply! I isolated the issue to a 3rd party Swift package, so I copied the Swift source files into an empty Xcode project to reproduce the crash. This project has no 3rd party dependencies, as the Swift package did not have any dependencies either.
The source code uses replaceSubrange() on an Array, but not append(contentsOf:) specifically. It does use several Data operations, such as append(_ int).
I haven't been able to reduce it to a single file, but I've uploaded the Swift files I copied into the empty project here: https://github.com/enchantingmoon/EuclidDebug.
Another developer provided the following info with a Feedback ID: https://github.com/nicklockwood/Euclid/issues/107#issuecomment-1730491594
This seems to be an SDK issue (I've filed FB13195864):
The missing symbol is a variant of the internal __DataStorage.replaceBytes method that takes a Range, which, despite being added in iOS 17, is incorrectly marked as being ?>available back to iOS 8. The method is usable from inline, and a reference to it gets inlined into the app (via a couple layers of inlined framework code). And so the app crashes when >running pre-iOS 17 since method does not actually exist.
Having the same issue today as well