




Medical App Rejected 1.4.1
Our app has been rejected many times from the app store because of 1.4.1 Physical Harm guideline. This app will allow users to log their health based self-assessment data like blood pressure, glucose level, temperature, body weight, BMI, temperature, etc., using of the shelf medical hardware devices, that can be found on any pharmacy, convenience store, supermarket, etc. The data will be uploaded, saved and processed in the cloud with graphics, trends, etc., so that users can visualize their vital signs, and share them with a doctor. The app doesn't make any suggestion, recommendation or diagnosis, it only gathers the data from the gadgets, produces graphics and save them in the cloud. We have uploaded documentation showing the FDA, FCC, and other countries regulation approvals for the gadgets, but on every submission we are told to reduce the store front, so at the end there will be no country where the app will be available, or to provide documentation from the appropriate regulatory organization demonstrating regulatory clearance for the medical hardware used by your app, or provide documentation of a report or peer-reviewed study that demonstrates your app’s use of medical hardware works as described, etc. We have done all that have been requested and the app keeps being rejected, so at this point and after reading other posts here and on the web, we are convinced that now that Apple is focused on health, there is no way to have an app like this or similar approved, no competition allowed, no other ideas accepted, nothing out of the Apple circle allowed. So, after many months we just stop trying today to have our apps on the Apple Store, this app was meant to be free, for anybody to use, including hospitals on many places, but there are other options besides Apple to make apps available to users around the world. And so, lets wish Apple a great show next week, showing their new devices that of course will comply with 1.4.1 Physical Harm Guideline, their new iOS16 with their new health features, and everything else to help have a better world without other's ideas. Have a great day.
Aug ’22