
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hi All,We developed an app to help people find jobs. And we used to use key word "recruiting" to help app store users to find our app. However, recently, our team found that when users search "recruiting" in app store, our app is not listed under the search results. We are wondering are we violating any regulation so that our app are invisible under this key word? What kind of regulations can we refer to so that we can avoid such violations in the future? Thank you!Emily
by Emilyccc.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hi,We have a quick question in terms of the IAP. When the server is validating users’ purchase status, it will return “cancellation_date” . Does that mean we can use this filed to see if users submitted refund requests for consumables and non-renewing subscriptions?Any thoughts? Thanks!
by Emilyccc.
Last updated