




IOS 18.2 beta 2 crashing
Hello all, I’ve had the iOS 18 beta since it’s been available, but recently when I updated to iOS 18.2 beta 2 I’ve been experiencing random crashes and frozen screens. I can’t seem to find any common reason for it, as it’s seemingly random. My screen will turn black and show the loading icon like I’ve run out of battery before the screen turns back on showing the Lock Screen. I’ve experienced crashes anywhere from 1-5 times daily for roughly 3-5 days, though the screen has only frozen once and gone completely unresponsive for a solid minute. When it froze I attempted to power off the phone, but all buttons were y responsive as well. After around a minute had passed, the screen went black and it crashed before returning to the Lock Screen and working otherwise fine afterwards. Has anyone else experienced this, or know a potential reason this is happening ?
Nov ’24