




Reply to iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data
Still the same ios 14.4 on iphone 11 pro max. Already 6 month using hotspot from another phone. Very hard and waste time to search gsm network with airplane on/off. After getting the gsm netrowk, even more difficult to get the 3g or LTE network. Very disappointed to apple can't solve the problem after 6 month. Maybe i will change the cellphone soon, not use apple product anymore.
Mar ’21
Reply to iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data
ios 14.2 still no network, no cellular data. so hard airplane mode on/off for searching network. after a long search, have network but no cellular data (LTE / 3G). hate this situation, must hotspot on another smartphone for using my iphone 11 pro max. i think if apple not repair this problem, apple user can move to competitors smartphones.
Nov ’20