




Reply to WatchOS 8 support when migrating to widgetkit
I am migrating a WatchKit complication that I support back to WatchOS 6.0 to WidgetKit. How do I support ClockKit in WatchOS prior to 9.0 and WidgetKit in 9.0 and newer? I can't seem to get my WidgetKit Extension to compile is I have WatchOS support earlier than 9.0. The compiler complains that things like "Timeline" doesn't exist prior to WatchOS 9.0, and I don't know how to conditional that since it is a runtime decision. (can't if #available around a class definition.) I'm sure it is something simple I am missing.
Dec ’22
Reply to WatchKit SwiftUI Button cornerRadius
It seems to be related to .buttonStyle() Basically, there is a light gray overlay in the button style, if you are darker than that, you can see it bleed through. My solution was to creat a new buttonStyle, but that seems like an awfully obtuse approach just to change a color or corner radius. What am I missing?
Oct ’21