




Reply to Mapbox iOS SDK in Xcode Cloud CI
I think your shellscript is not quite right. I was able to make this work using the script below, which I modified from yours: #!/bin/bash touch ~/.netrc echo "machine" > ~/.netrc echo "login mapbox" >> ~/.netrc echo "password ${MAPBOX_TOKEN}" >> ~/.netrc You need to set the MAPBOX_TOKEN in your workflow environment (unless you want it in your source code).
Dec ’21
Reply to Cannot build archive for XCFrameworks Xcode 12.2 (12B45b)
I have a similar issue where my builds with Xcode 12.2 (final, not beta) for debug with device and simulator are fine, but release xcarchives are failing with: /Users/aaron/src/ios/myLibrary/MyLibrary/MyClass.m:9:9: fatal error: module 'MyLibrary' not found @import MyLibrary;  ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated. I noticed my debug builds have a ProcessXCFramework step for my xcframework, but my release xcarchive builds do not.
Dec ’20
Reply to nw_resolver_create_dns_service_locked
I am curious about this statement as I am having problems with NSBrowser on watchOS 6 and would expect it to work based on Advances In Networking part 2 from WWDC 2019 where it is proclaimed that Bonjour is available on all native platforms (start at 1 min 15 seconds into the video).Personally, I am attempting to connect to an iPad that is broadcasting data that the watch can't get or produce, but would make an excellent display of that data.
Dec ’19