Hi community,
I believe that I’ve got the same issue in my iPad Pro A1674. I just thought there was an issue with the battery, but the home app is reporting battery usage, even after i have removed it (but named as Home Accessory” or rather “Hemtillbehör” as it’s Swedish). I have unifi wifi routers, use the apple tv4 as home hub with a Home Assistant as bridge for a Plejd dimmer, some hue and tradfri products and they all work fine.
I tried to wipe the ipad previously but with no luck there i restored it from a backup. Weirdly, when i removed my sim card it seemed to have a positive effect, but then it came back so it must have been random. Another weird thing is that my smart keyboard cover just stopped working a some time ago (it still sometimes says that the accessory isn’t supported, just happened now) and now and then the ipad gives the soft sound notification that you get when plugging in a charging cable to the ipad. Weird right?
hope to see a solution to this soon.