




Reply to iOS 16 CTCarrier deprecation
@eskimo There are a few things I would like to ask regarding this deprecation. I wonder why var serviceSubscriberCellularProviders: [String : CTCarrier]? { get } is not deprecated which has a returning type of CTCarrier and CTCarrier itself is deprecated. So what will happen exactly once CTCarrier gets removed ? What would happen if , for example CTCarrier gets removed in iOS 17, and user with iOS 17 installs our old app or has the previous version of the app that is using serviceSubscriberCellularProviders ? We would really need to keep using this CTCarrier class (we need the mobileCountryCode and mobileNetworkCode fields) as we need to identify mobile carrier used to connect to the internet, so we can call a carrier specific API. Is there anything else we are able to use for this ? Thank you in advance and I would appreciate any kind of additional information regarding this.
Jan ’23