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I need to display the localized prices on a button in the goods overview VC. I tried over 5 decisions that I found on StackOverflow or from Apple documentation, but both of them did not work. The problem is that the TestFlight displayed totally different than it should be. On an IAP view when the purchase process was started, the price displacing was correct and it shows the local price. Here is my code where I am trying to set the local price: guard let localPrice = IAPManager.shared.products[(self.index)].regularPrice else { return } self.AddPlaylistButton.setTitle("Buy \(self.amountOfImages) images for \(localPrice)", for: .normal) Where products is the fetched array of products by function: public var products = [SKProduct]() public func fetchProducts(){ let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: Set(Product.allCases.compactMap({ $0.rawValue }))) request.delegate = self request.start() } I am calling that function in theAppDelegate. Here are the decisions which a have tried: from extension SKProduct { var regularPrice: String? { let formatter = NumberFormatter() formatter.numberStyle = .currency formatter.locale = self.priceLocale return formatter.string(from: self.price) } } from stackoverflow public func receivedLocalPrice(index: Int, completion: @escaping((String) -> Void)){ var item = SKProduct() for i in products { if i.productIdentifier == productsDictionary[index] { item = i if let formattedPrice = priceStringForProduct(item) { completion(formattedPrice) } } } } func priceStringForProduct(item: SKProduct) -> String? { let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter() let price = item.price let locale = item.priceLocale numberFormatter.numberStyle = .currency numberFormatter.locale = locale return numberFormatter.string(from: price) } With both of them, I saw incorrect prices in TestFlight. To clarify what I mean here are the screenshots: With that example, I show you Apple Tear 1, but I have the same problem with all 10 tears. I need to find the solution to why I see the wrong prices on a view controller, and why I can not get the correct local prices from products. Also, I want to add that my country which is associated with the App Store account is Ukraine, that's why the price should be a bit larger at Tear 1: 1,19$. But also there is the same problem with the German App Store account. All works well only with the USA App Store account.
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