




Reply to iOS 14 Significant Impact to battery life.
Same. Went to sleep Tuesday night with a perfectly functioning phone on the charger. Woke up Wednesday morning with a phone telling me it updated overnight but was like watching a countdown time when I unplugged from the charger. I didn't even have the screen or any apps on and it drained to 0% in about 35 minutes and was super hot to the touch. I plugged back in and looked up battery usage which showed Siri was running and eaten up 100% of the battery. Shut Siri off and it got maybe 10% better, but still pretty worthless. I shut the phone off and plugged it in for several hours until I new it was fully charged again. Started it up and same thing. Updated all apps and dumped ones I don't use any more. Went through all the settings and turned off location services and all background data, etc. Now it still does it, where it starts draining rapidly when opening or starting an app, then the drain will slow and drop off slightly, but still draining way faster than before and still getting hot with just the screen on and no apps running, and even with brightness turned way down. Also since the update, Amazon Music won't work any longer, just crashes constantly. I hate Android operating system but it looks like my next phone will not be an Apple after being a loyal customer for over 10 years now. This is a pretty unacceptable flaw that seems a large number of people are having when 14 was released, then they just updated with 14.1 and didn't address any of the problems.
Nov ’20