




Comment on How do I display a value in a label (the value keeps changing/updating)
The error message "Thread 1: "-[Project.ViewController buttonTapped:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x133e08da0"" is fixed, so that's out of the question. And when I say that the button has nothing to do with the label, the button and label in the project are separate from each other and have no connection to each other in the code. I just want the label in the project to update whenever I move and tell the distance between me and the pinned location on the map. Also next time could you please send the code without the numbers? Its really hard to copy it that way. The user location is continuously updating while the app is open. And as long as the iPhone gps works, it will know where you are... Also, your code had no effect. I think it would be helpful if you could tell me how I can convert the variable "value" in line 49 into a string and display that in a label or textView. Just give me the code snippet
Jun ’21