




Applying to WWDC as a winner - selecting my name or a 13–17 year old?
Hello, I’m a 15-year-old winner of the Swift Student Challenge (in the regular group). When applying to attend WWDC, it asks me to choose who I am requesting for. The options are my name, and then “An attendee who is 13–17 years old.” If both are true for me, which do I choose? I’m mainly asking because if I don’t choose the latter, it doesn’t ask me for my parent‘s contact info. Please let me know! Thanks in advance.
Mar ’24
Clarification on the 3 minute rule
On the Swift Student Challenge page, it says "Create an interactive scene in an app playground that can be experienced within three minutes." Does this mean a game needs to take a maximum of 3 minutes to play through in its entirety? Or does this just mean the judges will play the first 3 minutes of the game, and it is my responsibility to make sure that those first minutes give a good idea of what the rest of the game would be like? Thanks in advance!
Apr ’23
Clarification on offline rule
Hello, I am planning on creating a project for the WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge if there is one, and I had a question about a rule for the WWDC21 challenge. In the rules it says "Submissions will be judged offline. Your Swift playground should not rely on a network connection." Additionally, in the terms and conditions of the challenge, it says that you may be disqualified if "your Swift playground requires sign in." If this is true, what type of projects is Apple looking for? Games? And if so, are projects that would have a big impact but an internet connection (for a map, for example) completely disqualified? The only reason I'm asking is because on a newsroom post from Apple about the WWDC21 winners, Apple showcases the app "Feed Fleet" that does require sign in and I assume an internet connection. Thank you in advance for any answers!
Mar ’22