




Reply to How to downgrade back to Catalina?
The setup assistant should automatically unlock your volume by asking for your password. You don't want to do that though, as you wan to erase the entire partition and then reinstall Catalina. To erase the drive you do not need to unlock the drive, just click Macintosh HD and then hit erase. You will be asked to erase all volume groups, be sure to do that. Then you can install catalina.
Jul ’20
Reply to Impossible to install (fresh) macOS beta on t2 Macs
You need the latest BridgeOS update to boot to Big Sur Recovery. Since you are still on an old version, recovery attempts to update it first. The update fails because the Big Sur BridgeOS version is not available or is not working correctly right now. The only way to perform a fresh install is to upgrade from Catalina (bridgeOS updates to newer version) then you can perform fresh installs.
Jul ’20