Thanks! I'll have to check if it's possible to get what I need from it. Not sure if it's possible; but maybe.
I have determined that this is actually buggy behavior, on the part of Apple, and I reported it as such.
They may choose not to address it, as things become more consistent after a connection is established with the device.
However, I would argue that consistent behavior is fairly important, between different parts of the Apple ecosystem, if the same SDK (Core Bluetooth) is used, and advertisement is a pretty damn important part of BLE (Some devices, such as beacons, ONLY operate with advertisements). I could see that, if it were Core Bluetooth vs. IOBluetooth, or some other SDK, then a difference would be OK, but this is not, in my opinion, acceptable.
Additionally, the Mac inserts another field (kCBScanOptionAppleFilterPuckType) into the advertising data that is not available on other platforms.
I made the test project a lot more robust: