It seems that the issue is resolved from Apple. Our app is back and we can push builds.
We have the same problem. Trying to add the app to the store again is not possible, as the bundle id is not offered among the available bundle ids. Of course we have the bundle id registered in the developer.
Update Xcode.
See post from @jimpanse
There are two options here, as this occurs often when an iOS Release is done and Xcode is behind.
For those who can install the beta or the release candidate:
Install the Xcode 14.3 RC 2 over the Software Downloads page. This version includes the iOS 16.4 version.
For those cannot install the newest Xcode version:
Download the 14.3 RC2, "show the package contents" of the app (context menu on app-file or right click on file). Navigate to "". Copy the 6.4 directory in the same directory for your current Xcode version.
You forgot to add the value parameter to the third animation modifier.
struct ContentView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var oD: ObservableData
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
Image(systemName: (oD.presetsSettings ? "" : "gear"))
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.35).delay(0), value: oD.presetsSettings)
.rotationEffect((oD.presetsSettings ? .degrees(-10) : .degrees(80)))
.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.30), value: oD.presetsSettings)
.rotationEffect((oD.presetsSettings ? .degrees(-20) : .degrees(20)))
.animation(oD.presetsSettings ? .linear(duration: 0.15).repeatForever(autoreverses: true) : .linear(duration: 0.2), value: oD.presetsSettings)
Workaround: open Devices and Simuators (shift + cmd + 2)
turn off Connect via network for each device
I'm also facing the same issue. Xcode 12.4 on the latest macOS (11.2) freezes 2-3 times per minute. It's true that my MacBook is old (Late 2013, i7, 16GB RAM), but I didn't face it with Xcode 12.3.