




XCode 15 Beta 2 Preview Pane errors
Failed to launch app"..." in reasonable time. Creating a new SwiftUI app, trying to show the preview for ContentView.swift before selected another file in the project before selecting ContentView.swift Finally , trying to show the view preview creates a 'Failed to launch app "..." in reasonable time' along with the attached error diagnostic. Also, MobileCal and PowerShell can, after a few minutes, quit unexpectedly. Their diagnostics are also attached. Can't upload files a the moment
Jun ’23
Using the command line, unable to compile and run a playground with multiple sources.
I have a playground with multiple sources in a Sources directory in addition to the main Contents.swift. I have been unable to compile & run the playground from the command line. The compiler is unable to resolve any items located in the separate sources and gives multiple error such as contents.swift:8:26: error: cannot find 'JSON' in scope print("JSON rawdata\n\n\(JSON)\n")                          ^~~~ The playground executes successfully from the IDE so the constants & functions etc are declared correctly as Public I have tried swiftc Contents.swift Sources/JSON.swift Sources/Filemanager.swift etc but with no success Where am I going wrong?
Oct ’22
Dataframe columns are ordered alphabetically when you print the dataframe
`import Cocoa import TabularData let greeting = "Decimal Type Evaluation" let JSON = """ [{     "product": "Apple",     "type": "Fruit",     "weight": 7.5,     "unit_price": 0.34 }, {     "product": "Pear",     "type": "Fruit",     "weight": 0.5,     "unit_price": 0.25 }] """ struct Product: Decodable {     let product: String     let type: String     let weight: Double     let unit_price: Double } let jsonData = .utf8)! let products: [Product] = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Product].self, from: jsonData) var dataframe = try! DataFrame(jsonData: jsonData) print (dataframe)` This results in the output below showing the columns are now ordered alphabetically and not in the order they appear in the array struct definition. ┏━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃   ┃ product  ┃ type     ┃ unit_price ┃ weight   ┃ ┃   ┃ <String> ┃ <String> ┃ <Double>   ┃ <Double> ┃ ┡━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━┩ │ 0 │ Apple    │ Fruit    │       0.34 │      7.5 │ │ 1 │ Pear     │ Fruit    │       0.25 │      0.5 │ └───┴──────────┴──────────┴────────────┴──────────┘ 2 rows, 4 columns
Jun ’22
Regex expression in .split generates cannot convert type
Using Version 14.0 beta (14A5228q) on Monterey 12.4 I am trying to follow the 'Meet Swift regex' presentation dated 7 June but I have stumbled on the most basic of errors that I cannot get around. At 3:56 in the video, the following line of code is shown let transaction = "DEBIT 03/05/2022 Doug's Dugout Dogs $33.27" let fragments = transaction.split(separator: /\s{2,}|\t/) // ["DEBIT", "03/05/2022", "Doug's Dugout Dogs", "$33.27"]`` The '/' of the separator string generates the error: error: cannot convert value of type 'Regex' to expected argument type 'String.Element' (aka 'Character') I am embarrassed but also stuck on the simple issue and I cannot figure out what I am missing. TIA Chris
Jun ’22