We are using Apple WeatherKit for an app to fetch future weather data specialty cloudCover and condition and pretipitationChance from the Overnightforecast data from weatherResponse.dailyForecast.forecast array object.
Code Sample:
On xcode on Swift and Swift UI using Apple WeatherKit
let weatherResponse= try await self.weatherService.forecast(for: latLong)
let cloudCover = weatherResponse.dailyForecast.forecast[0].overnightforecast.cloudCover
While we are on debug mode, we can literally see overnightforecast.cloudCover data (as well as condition and pretipitationChance) is available under from index 0 to index 10 of weatherResponse.dailyForecast.forecast array object but when we are trying to assign this property, its throwing error as
"overnightforecast object not present under weatherResponse.dailyForecast.forecast array object"