




Problems with Observable Macro and Observation: Observable is not member type of class 'Models.Observation'
Hey there i try to adept the Observable macro for my SwiftUI Project. I wanna get data from HealthKit and transform it to FHIR. Here i need one class for managing this process which will be shared through my project in order to access these data. The following Codesnippet raises an error: import Observation import HealthKit import FHIR @Observable class HealthKitManager{ let healthStore = HKHealthStore() init(){ } func requestAuthorization(){ let authTypes: Set = [HKQuantityType(.stepCount), HKQuantityType(.heartRate) ] guard HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() else { print("health data not available!") return } healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: nil, read: authTypes) { success, error in if success { print("OK Fetching") } else { print("\(String(describing: error))") } } } } So the FHIR module contains a Models module which define different models. In the FHIR world there is also a concept called observation... now the problems begin. open class Observation : Models.DomainResource { ... } When i try import Observation for the Observable macro and also import FHIR in order to create Observations, XCode rises an error: Observable' is not a member type of class 'Models.Observation' It's also said that Observation is declared in the FHIR.Models.Observation class which is true, but it seems that this raises the Problem with the @Observable macro. It's also said that Type 'Observation' has no member 'ObservationRegistrar' Which comes from the Observable Macro i think. When i don't import FHIR then everything works fine, but then my use case is broken because i need these standard in order to get my use case running. All in all i need big help and be thankfull for possible solutions!
Feb ’24