




App Crashes on QuartzCore: CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 504
I have facing an above crash for many users device running on iOS 17.6.1 mostly on iPad devices. I'm not sure why this happening only in 17.X. In Xcode Organizer unable to see this crash in any devices running on OS 18.x. Our app crashes got spiked due to this. I am unable to fix or reproduce the same. The crash log is not pointing to our app code to find the root cause and fix this issue. Have attached the crash log in this post also the crash log roles have mixed values Background & Foreground. But most of the crash is in background. Is this any crash related to system and that only solved by OS update? I have updated the app using Xcode 16 and 16.1 still facing this crash unable to symbolicate the crash report as well. Any ideas/solution how to solve this or how to proceed further. Have attached the entire crash log below. RoleBackgroundCrash.crash RoleForeGroundCrash.crash
Nov ’24
How to test Billing Retry subscriptions case in Sanbox or Xcode Environment?
We have a case to show users a message that their subscription was in Billing Retry. But we were unable to test it in Sandbox Environment. In the Sandbox environment, we were enabled interrupted purchase after initial purchase but that's not working as expected. In Xcode environment tried interrupted purchase and fail transactions with error. But Nothing works for renewal transactions. These all are working as expected only for the Initial purchase. Please provide a proper way to test the Billing Retry case.
Jul ’21
Does currentEntitlement will contain a Billing Retry Subscription?
We have a case to show users a message that their subscription was in Billing Retry. Current Entitlements documentation says only active subscription transactions will be returned. Our doubt is whether the current entitlements will also provide billing retry subscriptions. If not what is the best way to get the billing retry subscriptions?
Jul ’21