




Reply to Run/Debug iOS-app on M1-Mac with Xcode12.5, very very slow ,unbelievable !
I am the person who ask this question, today it just fixed (about 5 seconds to launch Application), after I upgrade to Xcode13.0, emmmmmm, have nothing to say, for my view, it's just a BUG of Xcode12. Ps: when I use Xcode12, I doubt that whether my cmake-projects have loop-target-link,so I check and make sure there's not loop-link. Dyld3 takes so long time ,it's just the bug of Xcode12.
Nov ’21
Reply to Apple Silicon app builds but cannot launch
My solution: modify the "Signing & Capabilities" --> "Team id", "Bundle Identifier" I got 2 team id, one is my personal(free account),another is my company's team developer id(not free account), I'm part of group. I crash at second account(and I checked the systemLog by Console,no useful information), so I change to the first one(free one), and it worked now. I don't know why. Ps: And, I'm confused, because at 4 month ago, apple don't allow free account run Mac-M1-iOS-App, I found it can run right now. (Today: 2021-11-03) My device : Mac-mini-M1 My macOS : 12.0.1 Xcode : 13.0
Nov ’21