I have the same issue,
from the documentation here, I can read:
To use the ThreadNetwork framework during development, install the ThreadNetwork mobile profile. Once you’re ready to publish your app, request permission for this entitlement from the ThreadNetwork Framework Entitlement Request page.
The documentation seems to suggest I am supposed to be able to test the framework by installing the linked profile on my test device, and only request the entitlement once I am ready to publish [my] app.
After installing the ThreadNetwork mobile profile on my test device:
If I try to add the entitlement to the entitlement config file, XCode will fail to sign the app for development purposes, so I can't run it on my test device.
If I try to remove the entitlement from the entitlement config file, the app will crash with the same issue as the main post.
Did I mis-interpret the documentation, are is there a specific setup to develop and test ThreadNetwork Capabilities?