Hitting this too and wondering how much longer Apple is going to subject us to this awful project file stuff.
For heaven sake, adopt a declarative syntax like SPM. One that we can actually use with git effectively.
Well this works, even though it seems odd to stick the picker inside the menu.
Menu {
Picker("Sleep Timer", selection: $sleepTimerDuration) {
Text("5 Minutes").tag(5)
Text("10 Minutes").tag(10)
Text("15 Minutes").tag(15)
Text("30 Minutes").tag(30)
Text("45 Minutes").tag(45)
Text("1 Hour").tag(60)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "moon.zzz.fill")
.frame(width: 34, height: 34)
Ok seems I have to change presentDocument to:
func presentDocument(at documentURL: URL) {
let navVC = UINavigationController()
let doc = Document(fileURL: documentURL)
let docVC = UIDocumentViewController(document: doc)
navVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(navVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
So embed the UIDocumentViewController inside a UINavigationController.
I found the sample code for the WWDC video (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/app_and_environment/supporting_desktop-class_features_in_your_ipad_app), but having trouble figuring out which part actually creates the toolbar.
@julia_brockovich FB13439586
@julia_brockovich iOS. Seems to do the right thing on macOS (I just created a test project)
DTS confirmed that the rejection was an error.
Sorry, I don't have a sample project.
Feedback is FB12834920. Thanks!
@Graphics and Games Engineer I'm using this for my payload for both intersection functions:
typedef struct {
vector_float3 normal;
vector_float3 color;
} IntersectionPayload;
(sorry I can't seem to get the code block to render correctly). It just returns the surface normal and color from the intersection function. I think that's a trivial usage.
I'm guessing right now the best you can do is present the onboarding when the user opens/creates a document for the first time. Not so bad really.
And as far as my trails, the ReferenceFileDocument cannot trigger any write operation :(*. You have to call registerUndo on the UndoManager in the environment to trigger a save:
@Environment(\.undoManager) var undoManager
This seems to work, but I'm not sure how brittle it is:
for window in UIApplication.shared.windows where window.isKeyWindow {
		window.rootViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)